2024 List of Perennials and Herbs For Sale 

  at the Doyle Family Farm in support of the 

         Unique Maine Farms’ Project


   Perennials and Herbs in 4-Inch Pots for $4.50 each

                  (reduced to $3.50 each) at the 

          Maine Open Farm Day Weekend Sale 

              Sat. July 27 & Sun. July 28, 2024 

                      from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Achillea Marshmallow Yarrow


Ajuga - Pink Lightning


Anise Hyssop

Aster, New England

Aster, New York   

Aster, Sky Blue

Autumn Joy Stonecrop Sedum 

Balloon Flower - Blue

Balloon Flower - Pink

Baptisia Blue -  (small seedlings at present time)

Baptisia White    (small seedlings at present time)


Basil - Red Rubin

Basket of Gold 

Bee Balm - Native Bergamot

Bee Balm -  Monarda Bradbury

Bee Balm - Raspberry Wine

BeeBalm - Scarlet

Bellflower - Peach-Leaved

Birds Foot Trefoil

Blackberry Lily

Black-Eyed Susan

Blue Penstemon

Blue Vervain 


Butterfly Bush Humdinger Magenta Munchkin

Butterfly Weed - 2nd year plants

Campanula Deep Blue


Carnation -  Red

Carnation - Grenadin Double Mixed

Catmint (Nepeta cataria)

Catmint - Persian Catmint


Catnip Lemon

Centaurea Montana


Chives - Garlic


Columbine, Blue

Columbine, Gold

Columbine - Magpie

Columbine - McKana

Columbine, Pink or Rose

Columbine, Native Red

Columbine, Yellow

Common Blue Violet

Coneflower - Green Twister

Coneflower - Magnus Purple

Coneflower - Purple/Pink

Coneflower - White

Coneflower - Yellow

Coral Bells - Americana

Coral Bells - Firefly

Coral Bells - Palace Purple

Coral Bells - Red

Coreopsis - Jethro Tull

Coreopsis - Threadleaf Zagreb

Crazy Daisy  

Culver’s Root 

Dacotah Switchgrass

Daisy, Painted

Daisy, Shasta

Delphinium, Astolat - Rose Flowers with Raspberry/Black Bees

Delphinium, Bellamosa - Shorter - More Bushy Growth - Blue Shades

Delphinium, Blue Jay

Delphinium, Cherry Blossom

Delphinium, Gallahad White

Delphinium , King Arthur

Delphinium - Magic Fountains 

Delphinium, Pacific Giants Mixed

Dianthus Maiden Pinks

Dianthus Superbus Red




Evening Primrose


Flax, Blue

Forget-Me-Nots - Blue

Forget-Me-Nots - Pink 

Foxglove - Dwarf Purple

Foxglove, Yellow


Gaillardia Burgundy

Gaillardia Goblin

Geum Red

Geum Yellow 

Giant Hyssop

Gloriosa Daisy

Goat’s Beard

Golden Glow



Heliopsis Helianthodes

Heliopsis Summer Sun

Hens & Chicks - large assortment

Hollyhock - Antwerp Fig Leaf

Hollyhock - Black Night

Hollyhock - Fordhook


Irish Moss

Jacob’s Ladder - Blue

Jacob’s Ladder - White

Joe Pye Weed  

Johnny Jump-Ups

Jupiter’s Beard -  Red Valerian - Centrranthus ruber)

Lady Bells

Lambs Ears

Lamium, Purple Flowers

Lavender Munstead

Lavender Phenomenal

Lavender True

Lemon Balm

Liatris - White

Liatris - Purple


Lupine - Mini Gallery Blue Bicolor

Lupine -  Mini Gallery Red

Lupine - Wild

Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ - White Rose Campion

Lysimachia - Firecracker

Maltese Cross

Malva Snow White  


Meadow Sage Blue Marvel

Milkweed Common   (small seedlings at present time)

Milkweed Rose    

Mint- Mountain

Mint - Peppermint

Mint - Spearmint


Mountain Alyssum


Northern Blue Flag Iris (small seedlings at present time)

Obedient Plant, Pink 

Obedient Plant, White



Painted Daisy

Parsley, Italian Giant Leaf

Parsley, Triple Curly


Penstemon Blue 

Phlox - Creeping -  Emerald Blue

Phlox - Creeping - Emerald Pink

Phlox, Creeping - Bright Pink

Phlox - Creeping - Purple

Phlox - Creeping - Red Wings

Phlox - Creeping - White

Phlox - Woodland

Poppy - Brilliant

Poppy - Fruit Punch


Primrose - Evening

Prunella or Self-Heal

Ribbon Grass

Rose Campion- Pink

Rose Campion - Whire

Rose Mallow

Rose of Sharon - Pink

Rose of Sharon - White

Rudbeckia - Autumn Forest

Rudbeckia - Cherry Brandy

Rudbeckia - Indian Summer


Salvia, Violet Queen

Sea Holly

Sea Lavender (small seedlings at present time)

Scottish Moss

Silene (Royal Catchfly) 

Sedum - Assorted Creeping

Sedum - Autumn Joy

Sedum - Blue Spruce

Sedum - Brilliant

Sedum - Creeping Angelina

Sedum - Voodoo

Sedum - Frosted Fire Stonecrop


Solomon’s Seal Dwarf


Stinging Nettle

Sweet Annie

Sweet William

Sweet Woodruff


Thyme - Creeping


Turtlehead White

Veronica Skyward Blue

Verbascum Southern Charm

Vinca Minor ‘Alba’

Winter Savory


Yarrow - Gold

Yarrow - Rose

Yarrow - Skysail Fire - Orange

Yarrow - White

             Perennials in Large Pots - Prices Vary

Each Perennial and Herb in the large containers will be discounted a dollar at the Maine Open Farm Weekend Sale - Sat. July 27 & Sun. July 28

Ajuga - $5.95

Allium Millenium - $8.50

Amsonia - Blue Star    $7.95

Anemone Rubra - $10.95

Anemone - Honore Joubert - $9.95

Anemone Curtain Call Pink - $9.95

Aruncus (Goat’s Beard) - $9.95

Astilbe - Red Astilbe - $9.95 

Astilbe - Pink Astilbe - $9.95

Astilbe - White  Astilbe - $9.95

Bachelor Buttons - Centaurea Montana - $9.95 

Bee Balm - Jacob Cline - $9.95

Bleeding Heart - Wild Fringled Leaf - $7.95

Bleeding Heart - Pink - $10.95

Bleeding Heart - White - $10.95

Bloodroot - $9.95

Brunnera - Heartleaf Brunnera Jack Frost- $9.95

Cardinal Flower - red native plant - $9.95

Carex Grass - $6.95

Catmint - Walker’s Low - $9.95

Centaurea Amethyst Dream - $9.95

Comfrey - $6.95

Comfrey - Large Containers - $10.95 

Coneflower - Assorted Coneflowers in one-gallon pots - $9.95

            Sombrero Tango Tangerine

            Sombrero Salsa Red

            Artisan Red Ombre

            Double Scoop Mandarin

Cotton Candy Betony - $8.95

Cranesbill Geranium - Herb Robert - $6.95 

Cranesbill Geranium - Geranium Sanguineum - $6.95 

Cranesbill Geranium - Fragrant macrorrhizum - $6.95 

Cranesbill Geranium - Midnight Ghost - $7.95

Daylily - Earlybird Cardinal - $9.95

Daylily - Little Grapette - $9.95

Daylily - Lomgfield’s Glory - apricot to salmon flowers - maroon eyes and yellow throats - $9/95

Daylily - Orange - $4.95

Daylily - Purple de Oro - $9.95

Daylily - Scottish Fantasy - (large coral pink flowers) - $9.95

Day Lily - Stella D’Oro - $9.95

Doronicum - Leopard’s Bane - $7.50

Filipendula palmata ‘Nana’ - Siberian Meadowsweet - $9.95

Foamflower - $9.95

Ginger - Canadian - $9.95

Goat’s Beard (Dwarf) - $9.95

Globe Thistle - $9.95

Gooseneck Loosestrife  - $6.95

Great Blue Lobelia - $9.95

Heartleaf Bergenia Red Beauty - $9.95

Heartless Brunnera Jack Frost - $9.95

Heavy Metal Switch Grass - $9.95

Hens and Chicks - Extra Large - $7.50

Heucherella Gold Zebra - $9.95

Hosta - (gallon containers) $7.95 

Hosta - extra large containers) $9.95

Hostas - Assorted $7.95

Hummelo Betony - $9.95

Iris - Bearded - $6.95 

Iris - Purple Flame Harlequin Blueflag - $8.95

Iris - Siberian - Dark Blue  $7.95 

Iris - Siberian - White - “Swans in Flight” - $8.95

Iris - Siberian Variegated - $8.95

Iris - Sweet Flag - $6.50

Jacob’s Stairway to Heaven - $9.95

Joe Pye Weed - $9.95

Lady’s Mantle - $9.95

Lenten Rose - $10.95

Ligularia Desdemona - $9.95

Ligularia Fischeri - $9.95

Lily of the Valley - $6.95 

Lysimachia Firecracker -  $6.95

May Apple - $9.95

Marsh Marigold - $9.95

Masterwort -  $9.95

Miscanthus Arabesque - $8.95

Milkweed - Ice Ballet - $9.95

Monkshood $9.95

Ornamental Onion “Medusa” - $8.50

Penstemon Dark Towers - $8.95

Phlox Paniculata - Bright Eyes - $8.50

Phlox Paniculata - Laura $8.50

Phlox Paniculata - Red - $8.95

Phlox Paniculata - White David Phlox - $9.95

Phlox Paniculata (Tall Summer Phlox)   $6.95

Poppy, Oriental Red  $8.95

Pulmonaria Raspberry Splash  - $9.95

Purple Robe Rockfoil Saxifraga - $7.95

Queen Anne’s Lace - $6.95 

Ragwort - “The Rocket” - $9.95

Rockfoil Saxifraga - Purple Robe - $6.95

Rose Milkweed - $9.95

Russian Sage - $7.95

Salvia - Nemorosa Salute White - $6.95 

Salvia - New Dimension Blue - $6.95 

Salvia - New Dimension Rose - $6.95 

Salvia - New Dimension - lost tags - $6.95

Sedum Stonecrop - Variegated - $9.95

Snakeroot White - $7.95

Snakeroot Black Chocholic - $12.95

Solomon’s Seal  $9.95

Solomon’s Seal - Variegated   $8.95

Speedwell First Love - $9.95

Speedwell Royal Candles - $9.95

Spiderwort - $6.95

Stonecrop Sunsparkler Wildfire - $9.95

Stonecrop Yellow - $7.95

Sweet Cicely - $9.95

Tall Summer Phlox - Mixed Colors - $6.95

Tall Summer Phlox - Bright Eyes - $8.95

Tall Summer Phlox - Laura - $8.95

Trillium - Red   $9.95

Trillium - White   $9.95

Trillium - Yellow  $9,95

Turtlehead Pink - $8.95

Veronica - Speedwell First Love - $9.95

Walker’s Low Catmint   $9.95

Wild Hyacinth - $9.95